Buy Article or Academic Writing Accounts in Kenya

Do you want to buy an article writing account cheaply today? Are you one of those professional writers who have been writing for other writers in Kenya? Writers who have bought the article or academic writing accounts or have several content/academic writing accounts? Writers who simply take your expert writing skills for their own use while they split the money returns into two, three or four whereas you, the writer, goes home with Ksh150 or even shamefully Ksh100 per 500 word article?

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Hot and Cheap Academic/Article Writing Training!!!

Are you an academic/article writer or a newbie and would you like to establish your niche in article/academic writing?

It has come to my attention that many new writers would like to make a living through writing.

We cannot limit your wish as there are those who wish to learn how to do article writing while others would like to learn about academic writing.

Well, I have been in this industry for some time now and I understand both article writing and academic writing pretty well. In this regard, I have the required skills to write articles and write academic papers, from thesis, dissertations, term papers, custom essays, projects, business proposals, name them to high quality and format.

I think it is the right time to help out a friend to learn the basic ways of delving into academic or article writing industry and still make money out of it. Mark you both of these careers are great in Kenya with tangible results.

Remember, anyone can do article writing or academic writing here in Kenya and make money out of it. No one should demean you about it. Believe that you can do it. I believe a serious form four lever with an access to a computer and internet can write his way to the bank. I am 100% sure that the educations system of Kenya has all it takes to turn a form four lever to a genius writer who earns his fair share in the article writing and academic writing industry in Kenya.

Send me an email and we can begin your training immediately. Some of us learnt the hard way having forced to try wrong ways and means in this industry of writing. Finally, after 5 to 10 years here we are, informed and making money at the comfort of our homes.

Remember, all you need is a computer and internet connection (modem). I will take you through the basics of academic writing or article writing and send you my prepared notes for your perusal and reference. Remember, you can also learn about SEO article writing by choosing to be trained by me.

All the best in your career as a professional academic writer or article writer in Kenya.

Training Price is Ksh 5000 Now Ksh2500!

It is sad and nerve wrecking to sit behind a computer connected to a borrowed modem that ‘feasts’ on your bundles like a machine and make around Ksh1500 in a week whereas someone a chat away is making around Ksh7000 a week from you.

Fine, these “bosses” may have gone through rigorous processes to be approved by either the academic writing accounts or the article writing account providers but that does not give them the power and mandate to even run away with your money or cheat you that 10 articles were rejected by the clients whereas he/she still needs you to keep writing for him or her.

By the way, have you ever asked yourself this question? If at all you are the poorest of writers in Kenya where a better part of your articles keep rejected, why does your “boss” still need your “poor” services? There is a friendly scam of course that may be too hard for you to note simply because you do not own your own account!!!

Okay let’s go to logistics or simple mathematics on Article Writing in Kenya. This is what happens:

A standard 500 word article is valued at around Ksh200, Ksh500 to Ksh1000 shillings and above but nothing low. An article writing account owner will give you 150 without worry of how much he or she will make at the end of the day since starting from Ksh200 he will have 50 shillings and going above is just smiling to the bank where you remain cracked up with blood shot eyes after writing with tears, sweat and blood!

I hope you have heard these “bosses” insisting on you writing around 6 articles in a day or night. Others insist that you must do 7 to 8 articles in day. When you submit your invoice at the end of the week, he or she replies with: 6 articles were rejected where may be you had only one or two articles rejected. If the four that he hoaxed you were actually not rejected he or she makes a good catch at the end of a week, thus paying bills and living lavishly without ever thinking of losing you as a writer as you ponder your next move in life. You need your own article writing account!

My friends I have been writing for the last seven years and when I came across these 7 or 8 articles in a day, I was shocked. Yes, it is possible to write 8 or even ten but the following day you will have your fingers and spoilt head shaking like a monstrous chameleon plunged on the highest peak of Mount Kenya. Why? Because, it is not possible to write these number of well researched articles in day and you will not even write again for a week or two since you will be recuperating from this “gruesome article writing accident” ha ha ha ha! By the way, digressing a bit, the power of headache associated with frequent freelance writing without rest in the name of looking for money is to take a piece of pawpaw, it will end your headache like a miracle. Try it, I use it currently, in fact I take pawpaw juice every time I seat behind my computer to write some of the provided articles by my “boss” nope! My own article writing accounts, Note that I have my own high paying ACCOUNTS!!! And I said I will never want to be employed anymore!

Look here, I write only (3) 500 word articles in a day, valued at Ksh400 shillings and rush to bed to sleep with Ksh1200 stashed in my wallet. You know why, I pick the 100 percent approval rate articles and give them my all and they are never rejected.  Hey with 1200 a day, and I work 7 days a week since articles are in thousands, I guess you have calculated it, Ksh8400 per week. I have set my account to pay me weekly. But in a month I wake up to find a cool Ksh32000 in my article writing account. Remember, this is when I write only 3 articles without having any back-up writers or enduring strenuous writing like that one of 6, 7 to 8 articles in a day. Ha ha ha ha!

You can now juggle classes as you write only 3 articles in a day, pay your fees and live lavishly too!

 How Article Writing Accounts Work

  • Normally an article/content account provides high-priced articles for your selection.
  • There are different writing stages that writers may have reached in a given time mostly marked by stars, let’s say 4 stars 5 stars, and so on.
  • These stages, tiers or levels have different provisions for instance high priced articles, high approval articles, fast approval articles, consistent articles or clients who request articles direct to you rather than bidding and so on.

How Article Writing Account Owners Make Money

You wanna know how article writers make close to Ksh40000 or even Ksh70000 from owning article writing accounts in Kenya? Do you wanna know why you will find thousands of “people” posting on best jobs Kenya and many other jobs providing websites in Kenya asking for urgent article writers ready to work with a computer and uninterrupted internet for the chat of course but Ksh150 per 500 word articles?

Simple, these “bosses”, who in one way or another must have started as writers for other article writing account owners, acquire their own accounts cheaply from of course “connections” as you can put it. Or say being informed about owning your own accounts. Then, after they learn the secret of owning an account, they run to the internet where they last applied for an article writing job and post their own article writing jobs. I know you must have seen them on Skill pages, best jobs Kenya, OLX and much more.

In fact, as a good writer in Kenya you can even own your own article writing account and write on your own and see how much you can make and how many articles can be rejected and how much your “boss” used to steal from you of course! Up to now are you still not convinced to own your account?

Get Yourself A High-flying Article Writing Account Today!

I guess you are dying to stop writing for your “boss” and run to buying your own account that will leverage your life to the fullest. First, take your time and write a few more articles for him or her and make some money enough required to buy your own high flying article writing account. These are article writing accounts that will present you to thousands of articles ranging from all niches that you love writing on. Be it SEO, art, communication, tourism, web design, business, finance, filming industry and much more. However, if you require an academic writing account, you can look for more going from Ksh5000-Ksh10000 and more. This depends on the type of academic writing site you need.  I will be writing more on academic writing sites in my next publication so watch out.

What are you waiting for? Contact us today and start earning valuable money from your own article writing account! We are selling the only remaining three hot cake 5 star rating article writing accounts opened and approved by professional writers who match your leading article writing skills. Even in case, you miss out on the remaining set up accounts, we shall still sign up for you since, with our proven skills, we will definitely pass the test though sometimes difficult. One last thing, there is money back guarantee!

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187 comments on “Buy Article or Academic Writing Accounts in Kenya

  1. i need an academic writing account.

  2. Hello Richard, I am expressing my interest in working with you, if their is a vacancy, kindly reach out.

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